Spoodle Dog (Cockapoo) Breed Information and Temperament

Do you love both Cocker Spaniels and Poodles? If you do, you’ll love the Spoodle (Cockapoo). This charming little fellow offers the best of both pedigrees and will warm your heart. Find out how to raise him.

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What is a Spoodle (Cockapoo) Dog?

The Spoodle (Cockapoo) (Cockapoo) is a cross between the American Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle. Since his breeding isn’t well-documented, purebred dog clubs like the American Kennel Club haven’t recognized him yet.

That said, this sweet fellow has hit the popularity charts. He’s so well-received that puppy farms breed him in droves to maximize profit. So saying, owners should research where a Spoodle (Cockapoo) comes from before buying him.

Origins of The Spoodle (Cockapoo) Dog

The Spoodle (Cockapoo)’s first parent, the Cocker Spaniel, has a captivating history. Few people know when the breed began, but there were records of 8 of them in 14th-century documents. The second Duke of York introduced them as hounds for the Spanish. He noted that many of these dogs came from Spain.

Sydenham Edward mentioned in the 1801 edition of the Cynographia Britannica that there are two types of Spaniels. Cocker Spaniels were Field Spaniels bred for hunting in the 18th century. The other was the Springer Spaniel, a larger dog. These dogs served as hunters.

Breeders made efforts to get both Cockers and Springers recognized. In the 1870s, clubs would only accept Cockers if they weighed less than 25 lbs.

Breeders think of Ch Obo as the progenitor of the English Cocker Spaniel and regard CH Obo II as the father of the American Cocker Spaniel. This dog was the offspring of a Sussex Spaniel and a Field Spaniel. Because he was born in America, he gained fame as an American Spaniel.

Watch This Spoodle (Cockapoo) perform numerous tricks:

Cocker spaniels come in liver, tan, black and golden colors. Some dogs may come in a mixture of these shades.

American Cocker Spaniels consistently outclass other dogs in popularity polls. The American Kennel Club ranks them as the 23rd most popular breed in the world.

The Kennel Club recognized the English Cocker Spaniel in 1892. The American Kennel Club regarded him as a separate breed in 1946. This breed is the most successful in dog shows.

The Spoodle (Cockapoo)’s other parent, the poodle, originated in Germany where breeders called it the Pudel, a name which means ‘to splash about.’ However, it has become the national dog of France. Breed historians say that it descended from the Barbet and the Hungarian Water Dog.

The Europeans knew the Poodle before he came to England. German artist Albrecht Durer and Spanish artist Francis Goya captured him in pictures. The Poodle has parented dogs like the Schnauzer and the Bichon. This dog comes in standard, miniature and toy sizes. Breeders usually use the miniature poodle to breed the Spoodle (Cockapoo).

An intelligent dog, the Poodle served many purposes. He worked in circuses and was a loyal hunting companion. Hunters valued him for being able to retrieve game.

Breeders began to cross the Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle in the 1950s.

The Spoodle (Cockapoo) Dog Breed Characteristics

The Spoodle (Cockapoo) loves people. He’s also an attention-seeking dog. He has the fun-loving nature of the Cocker Spaniel and the intelligence of his other parent, the Poodle.

1. Adaptability

Having Mini Poodle parents means that the Spoodle (Cockapoo) is small. He adapts well to apartment living. Being an easy dog to care for, he suits first-time owners. He is a Highly sensitive dog and will pay attention to his surroundings. Trust him to keep watch on your apartment.

The Spoodle (Cockapoo) is a somewhat self-reliant dog, but you shouldn’t leave him alone for too long. This little fellow is an all-weather dog and adapts to both the heat and cold.

2. Temperament

The Spoodle (Cockapoo) is an affectionate dog that loves his family. He does extremely well with children, but they must remember not to tease him. He befriends other pets easily as well. He can be a little too friendly with strangers, so don’t rely on him too much as a watchdog.

3. Health

The Spoodle (Cockapoo) doesn’t shed or drool, so he’s a clean pet. Grooming him’s straightforward. He may have inherited some of his parents’ health problems and has some potential for obesity.

4. Trainability

The Spoodle (Cockapoo) has the intelligence of his Poodle parent, so he’s easy to train. He doesn’t mouth his owner and has a lower prey drive when compared with other dog breeds. He seldom barks or howls, so he’ll do well living in an apartment. This dog may wander off on occasion.

5. Exercise needs

The Spoodle (Cockapoo) has a moderate energy level. He’ll scamper around the park, but not for too long. Do remember that he’s extremely excitable, so have games on hand to play with him.

Size Of Spoodle (Cockapoo) Small
Colour Gold, Blonde, Brown, Black – with or without white markings.
Coat Length Long
Age Expectancy 12-15 years.
Weight/Height Range 5- 14kg and 25- 38cm depending on the breed of the parents.

The Spoodle (Cockapoo) Dog Appearance and Showing

Every owner wants a dog that pleases the eye. If you want your Spoodle (Cockapoo) to participate in dog shows, you’ll need to know how to get him ready. Here is a shot of Ashley Judd with A Spoodle (Cockapoo):



Since his parents are two different breeds, the Spoodle (Cockapoo) may vary in appearance. His coat is either feathered or curly. The Spoodle (Cockapoo) is sturdy. He has a short body and long legs.

The Spoodle (Cockapoo) has long ears positioned well above the eyes. They hang below his chin. He has a long neck that extends to his back. This dog has a long tail which hangs freely. 

2. Showing 

If you want to show your Spoodle (Cockapoo) off at dog shows, you’ll need a winning edge. You’ll have many things to bear in mind.

a. Socialize your dog

How well your dog interacts can make or break his success at dog shows. If your Spoodle (Cockapoo)’s too shy, he won’t do well in the ring.

Expose your Spoodle (Cockapoo) to new people and places. Get him used to different types of flooring. Take him to ‘puppy kindergarten,’ or socialization classes. Always reward him for his efforts.

b. Attend Showmanship Classes

These classes teach you how to walk your dog around the ring. You’ll also learn how to stack your dog on the ground for judges to assess. The trainers will also tell you if he belongs in the ring.

c. Eligibility

Make sure that your dog is eligible to take part in the dog show you are considering. Do remember this since a Spoodle (Cockapoo) is a crossbreed.

d. Clean your dog

Judges often tell owners to keep their dogs looking as natural as possible. However, no judge likes to touch a dog that is dirty. Make sure to bathe your dog at least a day before the show.

e. Reduce stains

Your dog’s coat may become stained when he plays or eats. Combine boric acid and cornstarch. Brush the mixture into the stains. 

Note that you can use it to brighten your dog’s hair during the show. Remember to brush it out so that your Spoodle (Cockapoo) doesn’t look as if he’s put on too much powder.

f. Trimming

Cutting your dog’s hair in preparation for a show is an art. A good trim always pleases the judges.

If your dog’s paws are too close together, cut the outline to make it seem like there’s a distance between them when he stands or moves. Trimming the hair on the face, tail, and beard will also make your dog look younger than his years. Cutting hair off the back of the tail will make it lofty. 

g. Stick to the middle

If you have a choice, stick to the center of the lineup. It gives you more time to stack your dog properly. The owner who’s first in line usually has little time to prepare his dog. Dogs which are last in line may also have little time to get ready. If you are in the middle, you’ll have enough time to keep your dog looking good.

h. Keep your dog within sight

Make sure that the judge can always see your dog. If anything is obstructing his view, switch the leash to the other hand so that your dog walks on the other side of you.

How To Choose a Spoodle (Cockapoo) Puppy

A puppy will change the dynamics of your family, so it’s wise to do some research when choosing one. It also helps to know what to look out for when selecting a Spoodle (Cockapoo).

1. Other pets

First, think of your other pets. Consider how they will react to a new puppy. At the same time, observe how the Spoodle (Cockapoo) puppy behaves around his littermates. If he’s combative, he’s probably going to grow up to become an aggressive dog.

2. Commitment

Then, think about how much time you have to look after a new dog. If your job requires you to travel, keeping one isn’t a good idea.

3. Your activity level

Also, consider your needs. If you’re a couch potato, you probably won’t want a dog that’s too active. Ask yourself if you’re prepared to take a dog for walks and runs.

4. Space

Furthermore, think about how much space you have. If you live in a cramped apartment, you probably have to remove your clutter before you can accommodate a new dog.

5. Cost

Think about cost as well. The Spoodle (Cockapoo) doesn’t eat much, but you should still prepare yourself to foot food bills. Veterinary bills are an expense as well.

6. Breeder

There are home breeders, hobby breeders, and licensed breeders. Choose one who’s responsible. When looking for a breeder, observe his environment. Make sure he has a clean whelping box. Note the cleanliness of the surroundings as well. 

A reliable breeder will not allow you to take a puppy home before he’s two months old. He should have vaccination papers ready as well. A good breeder will also let you meet the puppies parents so that you can check on their health and temperament.

Housebreaking a Spoodle (Cockapoo)

Once you bring your puppy home; it’s time to house train him. Housebreaking a puppy is about patience and positive reinforcement. It also helps build a bond between you. It usually takes about four months to housebreak a pup.

1. When to house train a puppy

Experts suggest that you start training your puppy when he’s about 12 weeks old. He’ll have enough bladder control and can hold it when necessary. 

2. Housebreaking steps

Choose a space where you want to keep your puppy. As your Spoodle (Cockapoo) learns that he has to do his business outside the home, you can give him more freedom.

Take your puppy out to ease himself in the morning then once every half an hour. Make sure that you bring him out after meals and before leaving him alone. He should also ease himself before going to bed at night. Take him to the same spots because he’ll recognize his scent. Give him treats when he eliminates at the right places.

If you’re using newspapers to house train your Spoodle (Cockapoo), lay them out in a chosen spot. Leave your Spoodle (Cockapoo) in that area. As he becomes used to eliminating there, take some newspapers away. Do this until he becomes used to relieving himself in a particular place. Reward him when he eases himself.

3. Crate training

Crate training may seem cruel to some dog owners but is useful. You’ll find that a crate is a handy tool when bringing your dog to the vet or on road trips. It keeps him safe and can serve as his haven.

Get a good sized crate if you wish to crate train your puppy. Make sure that your Spoodle (Cockapoo) can sit, stand, and lie down in it. Ensure that there’s a water dispenser attached to it. Your dog should have water all the time.

Don’t crate your dog for more than 2 hours at a time. If you’re at work, make sure someone can give him an occasional break. Avoid using a crate if your dog has eliminated in one before.

To start training your Spoodle (Cockapoo), leave a treat in the crate. He’ll begin to form pleasant associations with it. He’ll soon start to go in himself once he sees it as a ‘happy’ place.

Never force the dog to go into the crate. Leave the door open so that he doesn’t see it as confining. Bring him to the crate and talk to him. Use encouraging words. When he goes into it himself, reward or praise him.

How To Groom a Spoodle (Cockapoo)

Busy dog owners usually rely on professional groomers to keep their dogs looking neat. But a groomer’s services come with a price. All dog owners know that their dogs’ haircuts sometimes cost more than their own. There are many benefits to DIY grooming.

1. Benefits of DIY grooming

First, it gives you control over the handling of your Spoodle (Cockapoo). He is less stressed because he is in a familiar environment. You’re less stressed yourself because you can groom him at your leisure. Besides, no one can look after him better than you. You can also use a grooming session to take note of lumps, bumps or scars.

2. Training a dog to enjoy grooming

To make your task easier, teach your Spoodle (Cockapoo) to enjoy the grooming process. Reward him when he manages to keep still. You can use anything he likes as a reinforcer. Treats, walks, and toys all work. 

Dogs learn faster when they make positive associations with your training.

3. Is your dog a puppy or adult?

There are differences between training a little puppy and an adult dog. Training a puppy usually involves starting from scratch. You may enroll your puppy in preschool where trainers run puppy training classes.

Training an adult Spoodle (Cockapoo) used to someone else guiding him is more challenging. You may need to modify unwanted behaviors.

4. Clipping your dog’s nails

Nail clipping is stressful for both you and your Spoodle (Cockapoo). It’s still a necessary task because the surface of long nails may embed into the nail bed or quick. Your dog’s toe may bend to one side. Infections may also develop.

Use scissor type nail clippers. Clippers may crush the toe, which causes extreme pain. Small clippers work best for the Spoodle (Cockapoo). They give you better control. Make sure that they’re always sharp. If you cut me to the quick by mistake, use cornstarch to stem the bleeding.

To start the process handle your dog’s paws often and introduce the clippers gradually. Give him treats when he stays still.

Grasp your Spoodle (Cockapoo)’s paw firmly. Cut a small bit of it each time. Trim only until you see the white of the nail with a dot in the middle.

5. Cutting a dog’s hair

Cutting a dog’s hair is never easy, but doable. You may want to pay a last visit to a groomer before you begin the process. He will advise you on the best haircut for your dog. Do some research and find out how your Spoodle (Cockapoo) should look.

You have to use clippers to groom long-haired dogs like Spoodle (Cockapoo)s. Not only do you get rid of mats, but you also save lots of time.

Use a quiet nail clipper to groom your dog. Dogs here six times clearer than humans do so it’s not surprising if they dislike the sound of loud clippers.

Remember not to pull the dog’s hair. Keeping your clippers sharp will prevent this. Don’t work the clipper too fast or you will leave lines. Hold your Spoodle (Cockapoo) to stop him from moving. Lastly, make sure that the clippers don’t heat up too much or you’ll risk injuring your dog.

Spoodle (Cockapoo) Dog Temperament and Activity

Note that the Spoodle (Cockapoo) is a highly playful dog. Never unleash him because he’ll run off to socialize with his doggie friends. Many fun activities will suit this dog’s temperament.

1. Agility

Agility training suits the Spoodle (Cockapoo). It involves taking a dog through a series of obstacle courses that include balance beams, weave poles, and climbing structures. Some facilities only allow certified handlers.

2. Animal-assisted activities

Some hospitals and nursing homes encourage visits from dogs. They believe that socialization aids recovery. The human-dog bond lifts a person’s mood.

3. Backpacking

Backpacking is an opportunity for you and your dog to get away from it all. Before you embark on your journey, plan. Make sure that you and your dog have Fitness conditioning. Check if the places where you intend to track allow dogs. Familiarize yourself with the route so that both of you will not get lost.

4. Day trips

Like most other dogs, your Spoodle (Cockapoo) will enjoy car rides. A trip to a town or district that’s some way from home will excite him. Include a trip to a pet supply store. He’ll enjoy browsing through the shelves with you. Remember to bring his favorite treats along so that you can keep him in line.

5. Dog parks

These places are where dogs can do as they please. You don’t have to keep your Spoodle (Cockapoo) on a leash. He’ll have the best time making friends but do supervise him when he’s around other pets. Ideally, you should neuter him before bringing him to such a park.

6. Dance

Did you use to frequent discos when you were younger? Then this activity is for you. Dance with your Spoodle (Cockapoo). Both of you will enjoy the exercise and adrenaline rush. 

7. Flyball

This activity works like a relay. Dogs have to catch a ball from a launcher, then jump over hurdles. They usually race in teams of four. If your Spoodle (Cockapoo) loves chasing balls, he’ll love this sport.

8. Frisbee

Playful dogs like Spoodle (Cockapoo)s love catching frisbees. This activity gives your pet an opportunity to exercise. Consult your vet before enrolling him in any frisbee training program.

Training A Spoodle (Cockapoo)

The Spoodle (Cockapoo) is easy to train because he has his Poodle parent’s intelligence. You’ll find introducing basic commands to him a breeze.

1. Sit

The ‘sit’ command is what trainers usually teach dogs first because it is the easiest to learn.

To start, wave a treat in front of your Spoodle (Cockapoo)’s nose. Move your hand up. Doing this will cause your dog’s bottom to touch the ground. 

Reinforce this command until the dog has mastered it.

2. Come

This command will stop your naughty Spoodle (Cockapoo) from running out of the door and onto a busy street. It prevents unnecessary accidents. 

To begin, Leash your Spoodle (Cockapoo). Bend down to his level, say ‘come.’and pull him towards you. Reward him with a treat when he arrives. 

3. Down

This command is a difficult one for your Spoodle (Cockapoo) to learn because he must submit to you. Stay relaxed and confident while teaching it to him.

Find a treat that he loves and hold it in your fist. Bring it up to his nose. When he smells it, move your hand to the floor. Run your hand along the ground and encourage him to follow. When he’s in this position, say ‘Down’ and reward him with the treat.

4. Stay

This command is another difficult one for your feisty Spoodle (Cockapoo) to learn. Make sure that he responds well to the ‘sit’ instruction. 

Get your Spoodle (Cockapoo) to sit. Stretch out your palm in front of you and say ‘stay.’ Retreat a few steps and reward him if he stays. Increase the number of steps if he remains in place.

5. Leave it

This command is good for stopping a dog’s nipping tendencies. It also prevents him from ingesting poisonous substances on the ground. Teach your pup that he will get something better if he ignores items you tell him to leave.

Grab a treat with both hands. Show your Spoodle (Cockapoo) a fist with the treat inside. Say ‘Leave it.’ Ignore him if he barks at you. Once he stops barking and sniffing, use your other hand to give him the treat. Repeat this until your Spoodle (Cockapoo) ignores the treat when you say ‘Leave It.”

Spoodle (Cockapoo) Dog Health Problems

Like all small dogs, the Spoodle (Cockapoo) lives for quite a long time. His average lifespan is 14 – 18 years. Although the Spoodle (Cockapoo) is relatively fit, he’s prone to some health problems.

1. Patella luxation

Simply put, a dog that has a luxating patella has weak knees. A dislocated patella (knee) is unstable. It changes the knee’s biomechanics and strains it.

This condition is congenital. Your Spoodle (Cockapoo) may have inherited it from his poodle parent. Poodles, too, may experience this condition.

Vets diagnose it by feeling the dog’s knee. They assign it a severity level, Grade 1 being the least severe and Grade 4 being the most. They will scan the dog’s bones for signs of arthritis as well.

Dogs with Patella Luxation need sources of Vitamin E. Good sources of it are spinach, kale, hazelnuts, and almonds.

Foods high in vitamin C include oranges, broccoli, grapefruit, and guava.

2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy

Like his Cocker Spaniel and poodle parents, a Spoodle (Cockapoo) may suffer from Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). He may have inherited a weak X chromosome from his parents.

PRA is a group of eye diseases that may affect some breeds of dogs. They cause the retina to degenerate and the dog to become blind.

Vets will diagnose this disease if a dogs vision loss isn’t due to problems such as glaucoma or cataracts.

There are many types of PRA. Poodles, Cocker Spaniels, and thus Spoodle (Cockapoo)s tend to suffer from Progressive Cone Rod Degeneration. The rod cells of the eye degenerate slowly. It is a recessive trait attributed to the 9th chromosome.

3. Ear infections

Like both his parents, the Spoodle (Cockapoo) has lots of hair around the ears. The excess hair makes him susceptible to ear infections. It is important that you clean his ears regularly.

Spoodle (Cockapoo) Dog Nutrition

The many dog foods on the market spoil you for choice. Here are some tips for choosing the right food for your Spoodle (Cockapoo).

1. Choose food brands wisely.

Dog food should have undergone feeding trials. The manufacturers should have formulated it to have no deficiencies. Many food companies never let dogs try their food before marketing it. The best pet food should have balanced nutrients.

2. Watch the calories

Dogs need more protein than calories. A safe ratio is 75%. Protein is essential for the growth and repair of cells.

3. Size

Since the Spoodle (Cockapoo) is a small dog, choose fruit formulated for small breeds. A Spoodle (Cockapoo) is different from a Great Dane, so food for big dogs will not suit him.

The size of the food itself matters as well. A little Spoodle (Cockapoo) will find it difficult to eat large pieces of kibble. If you are using wet food, know how big the sizes of the chunks are.

4. Ingredients

Know what goes into a dog’s food. A Spoodle (Cockapoo) needs DHA to develop his nervous system. It also helps his brain, eye, and ear development. Studies show that dogs which eat DHA had better memories than others.

5. Keep your puppy slim

Roly poly puppies are cute, without a doubt. Underweight ones will not develop well while overweight ones may run the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, arthritis, and other health conditions.

Breeding For a Spoodle (Cockapoo) Puppy

Do you have a passion for Spoodle (Cockapoo)s or want to start a dog breeding business? You need a good head start, and these tips may help.

1. Check the health of the dog

Make sure that your female Spoodle (Cockapoo) is in good health. Visit your vet to ensure that she’s in the right condition to breed. Do the same if you own a stud.

2. Prepare a place for the puppies

Make sure that you have enough space to house the animals. Have a clean whelping box as well.

3. Get certified

Breed clubs want to make sure that owners breed dogs for the right reasons. They shouldn’t do so just for profit. For this reason, you’ll need certification to become a qualified breeder. 

4. Find your dog a mate

Look for Spoodle (Cockapoo)s of the opposite gender which are healthy and young enough to mate with your dog. Bring both of them for an examination to make sure that they are compatible. Don’t forget to check if the potential match has a certificate of breeding.

5. Exercise the dogs

Work out the dogs to make sure that they are fit to breed. Remember that the female is sensitive at this stage.

6. Watch for when the female Is in heat

The female will only accept the male from the 9th to 13th day of her heat cycle. That’s when you should introduce them to each other. If the dogs have mated well, they should ‘tie.’ Make sure that this lasts for about 10 minutes.

7. Watch for Pregnancy

You can confirm the pregnancy three weeks after you’ve mated the dogs. Prepare a whelping box with enough space for the puppies.

The Truth About Crossbreeds

You may have doubts about buying a Spoodle (Cockapoo) because his parents are different dog breeds. Like purebred dogs, crossbreeds have advantages and disadvantages.

1. Advantages

a. Unique appearance

First of all, crossbred dogs like the Spoodle (Cockapoo) have a one-of-a-kind appearance. The look of the Spoodle (Cockapoo) varies, depending on his parentage. If he’s a cross between a tan-colored Cocker Spaniel and a black poodle, he’s likely to become a black and tan Spoodle (Cockapoo). 

His size will also depend on the size of his parents. If his Poodle parent is miniature, he’s not going to become a big dog. 

b. Family friendly

Spoodle (Cockapoo)s and other crossbreeds are usually affectionate and relate well to children. Proper socialization will bring out their best behavior. 

c. Fewer illnesses

Purebred dogs tend to suffer from genetic conditions that they’ve inherited from their predecessors. Crossbred dogs, in contrast, have fewer of them. Cross breeding lowers the risk of congenital conditions.

d. May Become Recognized Breeds

Kennel clubs don’t usually acknowledge breeds like the Spoodle (Cockapoo) unless there are attempts to document their breeding. There are now three Spoodle (Cockapoo) clubs in America that are doing so.

2. Disadvantages

Cross breeding, like pure breeding, has some cons as well. Know about them before getting a Spoodle (Cockapoo). 

a. Temperament

Bringing two different breeds of dogs together is often an adventure of sorts. It’s difficult to predict what kind of characteristics the puppies will have. That said, Spoodle (Cockapoo)s love human companionship because Cocker Spaniels and Poodles are loving family pets.

b. Size

It’s hard to guess the sizes of unborn Spoodle (Cockapoo)s, but you can hazard them. Most Spoodle (Cockapoo)s have tiny Poodle parents, so they’re small themselves.

c. High-risk delivery

Breeding dogs of different sizes can make delivery difficult. Cocker Spaniels are slightly larger than Miniature Poodles. A Mini Poodle mother may find it difficult to bring her pups into the world.

d. Health issues

Crossbreeds are healthier than their purebred parents, but still, stand a chance of inheriting illnesses from them. If both your Spoodle (Cockapoo)’s parents have hip dysplasia, he’s likely to contract the condition himself.

e. Expense

In many cases, crossbred dogs are more expensive than purebreds. The interest in Designer Dogs has led to a rise in prices.

Spoodle (Cockapoo) Dog – FAQs

If you’ve never raised dogs before, You’re bound to have lots of questions about them. Here are a few that people often ask about Spoodle (Cockapoo)s.

1. Should I get a Male Spoodle (Cockapoo) or Female Spoodle (Cockapoo)?

The dog’s gender is a matter of preference. If you can’t tolerate lots of humping, a male Spoodle (Cockapoo) isn’t for you. If you can’t bear with endless heat cycles, don’t get the female Spoodle (Cockapoo).

2. Do Spoodle (Cockapoo)s shed?

Spoodle (Cockapoo)s have poodle parents, so they’re not likely to lose much hair. Do know however that some may still do so. Straight haired Spoodle (Cockapoo)s shed more than wavy-haired ones.

3. Should I dock my Spoodle (Cockapoo)’s tail?

You may do either. Clubs regard docked or natural tails as standard.

4. What is a first-generation Spoodle (Cockapoo)?

First-generation (F1) Spoodle (Cockapoo)s are a result of breeding Cocker Spaniels and Poodles. A second generation Spoodle (Cockapoo) (F2) comes from mating a first-generation Spoodle (Cockapoo) with another of a different generation.

5. What is the temperament of a Spoodle (Cockapoo)?

A Spoodle (Cockapoo) is an extremely friendly fellow who gets along with people and pets. Respect him, and he’ll love you. 

Is the Spoodle (Cockapoo) the Right Dog for You?

So, how would you know if the Spoodle (Cockapoo) is the right dog for you?

If you are looking for an exceptionally healthy dog with hybrid vigor, pick a Spoodle (Cockapoo).

Are you fed up of pet dander? The Spoodle (Cockapoo)’s perfect for you if you have asthma because he does not shed much.

Do you have children at home? You’ll want a dog with a stable personality. The Spoodle (Cockapoo)’s cross-breeding gives him a steady, calm temperament.

You might want a small dog that’s not too tiny. The Spoodle (Cockapoo) is the right size. His Cocker Spaniel parent is a medium-sized dog, so he isn’t that miniature.

Note that some Spoodle (Cockapoo)s come from puppy mills. Therefore, they may have personality defects. 

Welcome the Spoodlle into your home if you want a dog that’s hardy, loving and full of fun.

One thought on “Spoodle Dog (Cockapoo) Breed Information and Temperament

  • November 24, 2017 at 8:02 pm

    I have a rescue 2 year Cockapoo bitch,she is a good family dog and loves my grandchildren. She is also a very loyal friend to me . When we got her she was impossible to walk on the lead pulling so hard she was hard work.but she is perfect now with time .
    I am a beater in the local shoot and she spend all day twice a weak with me ,the other beaters take the pee out for my dog because of her curls but she can find game where the Cocker Spaniels cant.

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